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Legal Notice
1. Website Ownership
The owner of this website is Remote4Gates VAT: 03212229A, registered at C/ Miguel de Cervantes, 20 Villanueva de la torre - 19209 Guadalajara - Spain .
The complete content of this website is intellectual property of Remote4Gates, with the exception of images, sounds and computer graphics, used under licence and with all rights reserved. Reproduction, totally or partially, is prohibited. Any use of the above listed material not in accordance with norms regulating the use of intellectual and industrial property will be prosecuted under existing laws.
For general information about products and service by Remote4Gates please contact our Customer Service Department. Our opening hours are: 9-18, Monday to Friday, or via
2.- User Registry
In order to access and/or use services specified under the registry, the User must assign a User name or names in the form of a password/s and must undertake the responsibility to use both (the Username and password) diligently and to maintain their secrecy, bearing in mind damages they may arise due to their negligent or incorrect use.
At any moment, and without prior notice, Remote4Gates may deny or withdraw the right to use our Website due to breach of the Conditions.
3. Intellectual and Industrial Property
All information contained within this website, including, with unlimited nature, databases, graphic designs, logos, trademarks, images, audio, video, source code (HTML and JavaScript), constitutes work whose intellectual and industrial property belongs to Remote4Gates, or third parts and it cannot be understood that the use of or access to the Portal and/or services offered through it attribute certain rights over this information to the user. It is explicitly prohibited to copy or reproduce this information to any medium, without authorization from the legitimate owner.
The user will abstain from reproducing, copying, distributing, allowing access to public through any public communication form, transforming or modifying the services without authorization by Remote4Gates; deleting, evading or manipulating any data or signs identified with the rights of Remote4Gates or its representatives, and in particular from using the information obtained through the Remote4Gates website or its services, in order to distribute advertising, promotional or any other commercial correspondence, send unsolicited messages to groups of persons, as well as abstain from commercial or any other use of this information; obtaining any images, recordings, software and, in general, any class of material accessible through this website by the means of any medium different from those that Remote4Gates makes available to its users.
4.- Hyperlinks
All physical and legal persons who wish to include within their website any type of hyperlink to Remote4Gates or any of its web pages must comply with following conditions:
- No false, incorrect, or imprecise information about Remote4Gates website can be displayed; the hyperlink can only facilitate access to the Remote4Gates website and its services, but it can not in any way allow its reproduction.
- It may not be declared or implied that Remote4Gates has authorized the hyperlink or supervised in any way the content or services offered through the web page on which the link appears.
- The web page on which the hyperlink appears may not contain any trademark, business name, logo, slogan, photos and other distinct signs belonging to Remote4Gates, apart from those signs appearing in the URL.
- The web page on which the hyperlink appears may not contain illicit information or content, and it may not contain content which violates any rights of third parts.
- The appearance of a hyperlink does not imply in any case existence of relations between Remote4Gates and the owner of the website on which the link is established, nor does it imply acceptance or approval on the part of Remote4Gates of any of its content or services offered to the public.
5.- Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction
The terms of use relating to any of our websites are regulated and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of Spain and for any dispute which may arise from the use of this service, the parts are obliged to accept the jurisdiction of the Tribunals of the City of Madrid (Spain).
6.- Personal Data Act
In accordance with the law on data protection, all users of this website whose names are recorded through the use of cookies by third parties and sent by them; will remain recorded on the servers of those third parties. This data remains anonymous as third parties send it in the above described formats. Such data is periodically analyzed by this company to make sure that it is used in a proper way and that rights of persons or owners of trademarks etc. are not violated.